Association recruiters are seeing a power shift in the job market.
Job seekers are expecting more transparency about pay, benefits, job design and values.
Associations are picking up the pace in hiring new staff after two years of pandemic-related layoffs. Recruiters say a broad range of skills are in demand and more people are looking for new opportunities. But that doesn’t mean hiring the right candidate is getting any easier.
Remote work is changing the dynamics of filling positions, with many groups open to employees working from home at least part-time.
Associations that plan for executive succession can identify roles and responsibilities needed to ensure a smooth transition. The planning process should include your outgoing CEO, who can be an essential partner in the search for a successor.
By analyzing internal data on job ad response rates in the Washington, DC, market, Bob Corlett, executive search consultant at Staffing Advisors, and his team have identified trends that correlate to levels of difficulty in filling positions.
“We’ve been gathering all this data for a decade and looking at the trends and which positions got harder and easier in terms of whether people actually responded to advertising,” Corlett said…
Corlett…also had some general advice on creating job ads that attract quality candidates.
Is the notion of full employment no longer within reach? What follows are the views of several HR professionals, recruiters and economists on this topic.
“It’s not that full employment is suddenly an obsolete concept; it was never useful to anyone but economists in the first place. The big macro numbers don’t tell you anything, and unemployment rates vary widely by where you live. The job market is rarely in balance. Economists don’t mind this. People do.” – Bob Corlett, president of Washington, D.C.-based recruiting firm Staffing Advisors
If you are an association executive looking to fill a communications specialist position, the good news is there are plenty of qualified candidates out there. However, if you need a new education manager, be prepared to put in more effort.
That is the conclusion of a new analysis of association job openings in the Washington, D.C.-area market by Staffing Advisors, a D.C.-based executive search and research firm. Education managers topped the list for most difficult staff positions to fill at associations, while communications and accounting/finance positions were the easiest.
“There is this huge pace of change in the job,” said Bob Corlett, president of Staffing Advisors. “If you look at what an education manager does today compared to five years ago, 10 years ago, it is a very different job.
But what association jobs are the hardest to fill? That’s a question that Bob Corlett, executive search consultant at Staffing Advisors, set out to answer.
Analyzing Staffing Advisors’ internal data on job ad response rates in the Washington, DC, market, Corlett and his team have identified trends in what he calls “hot” positions, or the roles that are the most difficult to fill at particular times.
John Sumser: Good morning, and welcome to HR Examiner Radio…Today, we’re going to be talking with Bob Corlett who’s the founder of a search firm in Washington D.C. called Staffing Advisors. Corlett is one of those independent, authentic voices in the industry who draw attention whenever he opens his mouth. We’re lucky to have him with us. How are you Bob?
Bob Corlett: I’m much better after the introduction. I’d like you to just follow around in front of me everywhere I go and do that introduction. It feels like when they play Hail to the Chief when the President walks in the room. It feels pretty good John.