
What Interview Questions Really Mean


In an interview, every question counts. You should have pre-prepared answers for the interview questions almost every employer asks. And sometimes what they’re looking for is not what you say but how you say it. So how do you know what interviewers are really asking? CareerBuilder wrote a great post with “10 Interview Questions Decoded.” Here are 3 common questions, and what you should show in your answer:

  1. What they say: Tell us about yourself.
    What they want:
    What makes you special? Tell them why they want to hire you.
  2. What they say: What are your greatest weaknesses?
    What they want:
    Will you be honest? Stay positive, but admit where you could improve.
  3. What they say: What are some of your hobbies?
    What they want: Are you well-rounded? List activities related to the job, and use it as a chance to show you personally, not just as an employer.