Want a way to boost your online credibility? How can you make your Linkedin profile more impressive without adding content? Ask for recommendations! If you want to, but don’t know how to request them, you’re in luck… John Sumser gives us 10 tips for how to ask for and get great recommendations you’ll be proud to show on your profile.
Here are a few of my favorites:
- Ask people who truly know you – Preferably someone you’ve worked with; someone who knows you personally instead of only online.
- Write one for someone else first – Often, they will return the favor and post one for you (without you even having to ask).
- Offer a sample of the type of recommendation you would like – Especially when people are busy, they may gladly welcome the suggestion.
- If you don’t like it, don’t post it – You get to approve (or reject) it before it goes public, so feel free to ask for revisions from the writer.